has a mobile phone application available for download. The download is free.

The same predictions available on the website are now available with the application.

The Saltwater Tides app saves the last set of search criteria and tide predictions locally on your mobile device.

This is meant to help those people going into remote areas where cell phone coverage may be weak or absent. By obtaining a tide prediction before reaching the remote area, a user has that data available until the user decides to get a new prediction.

No data or personally identifiable information is permanently kept by the Saltwater Tides app nor saved at any time on its servers. Deleting the app or using the Reset Local Data menu option will remove all saved search criteria and tide predictions from the device.

The mobile app is supported by advertising.

Use the links below to reach the proper store to download the FREE application. (You will need to use your app store login.)

Version 3 for the app is under development and should be available late in August or early September 2024.

Apple iOS Download

Android (Google) Download

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